总理婕森达·阿德恩(Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern)3月9日宣布任命安德鲁·科斯特(Andrew Coster )为新任警察署署长。
“我要感谢前署长迈克·布什(Mike Bush),感谢他这六年对警队的领导,包括处理去年3月15日恶性事件。”
警察部部长斯图尔特·纳什(Hon Stuart Nash)表示,现任代理副署长的安德鲁在警察部门工作了近25年,成为署长乃实至名归。
“他曾担任奥克兰皇家检察官(Crown Solicitor)办公室的律师,最近又被借调为司法部副首席执行官。”
警察署长由总督根据总理的推荐任命,由国家服务委员会(State Services Comission)负责招聘。
New Commissioner of Police appointed
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern today announced the appointment of Andrew Coster as the next Commissioner of Police.
“Andrew takes up this leadership role at a time when the Government is making our communities safer by adding 2,000 new police officers to the frontline and reforming gun laws to stop firearms from falling into the wrong hands,” Jacinda Ardern said.
“I know he’ll lead a team of 13,000 people across the country with positivity, inclusion and integrity.
“I first met Andy in his role in Central Auckland. I’ve had the opportunity to see him work on policy issues such as recent gun law reforms, but most of all I’ve observed his passion for a police force that knows its strength lies in what it can achieve with the community it serves.
“I want to thank Mike Bush MNZM who has led the Police for six years including during the significant affront to the safety of New Zealanders that occurred on March 15,” Jacinda Ardern said.
Police Minister Stuart Nash said Andrew, who is currently Acting Deputy Commissioner, Strategy and Partnerships and who has dedicated nearly 25 years to police service, was incredibly deserving of the role.
“The Commissioner of Police is focused on preventing crime and making our communities safer,” Stuart Nash said.
“Andrew Coster has a strong history of accomplishments following his graduation from Police College in 1997, including serving in frontline and investigative roles in Counties Manukau and Auckland.
“He rose to Area Commander in Auckland City Central before becoming the District Commander for the Southern Police District in 2013.
“On moving to Police National Headquarters in 2015 he was Assistant Commissioner, Strategy and Transformation. Before taking up his current role, he was Acting Deputy Commissioner, Resource Management.
“He has been a Solicitor in the office of the Crown Solicitor in Auckland, and more recently was seconded as Deputy Chief Executive at the Ministry of Justice,” Stuart Nash said.
The Commissioner of Police is appointed by the Governor-General, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. The State Services Commission managed the recruitment process.
The term of the current Commissioner of Police ends on 2 April 2020. Andrew Coster has been appointed for a five-year term from 3 April 2020.