【信报消息】(记者 李惠子)最近在微信群等社交平台上,有网友转发由坎特伯雷卫生局印制的防控新冠病毒传播的中英文宣传单。宣传单上首行大标题写的是“武汉肺炎”,和汉语拼音“Wuhan Coronavirus”字样。传单曾于1月底在基督城机场发放给入境旅客。
卫生局发言人珍妮·沃森(Jeanie Watson) 对信报记者说,这份传单是在新冠疫情爆发初期使用的,主要发放给从中国大陆抵达基督城航班的乘客。第一批拿到传单的乘客是1月27日(周一)从广州飞基督城的航班。
记者搜寻1月下旬至2月上旬的大量媒体报道,包括中国大陆的官方媒体报道,均有广泛使用“Wuhan Coronavirus ”的说法。
The flyer you mention was used early on in the outbreak and handed to passengers disembarking from flights arriving in Christchurch from mainland China.
The first flight was met on Monday 27 January.
At that time the virus was commonly referred to as Wuhan Coronavirus.
As the virus spread, the name changed: first to coronavirus, then COVID-19. These are the terms used in our subsequent posters and flyers.
This is an old, outdated flyer that was handed to people arriving at airport.
It is unfortunate it is being shared on social media as if it is a current resource being used. It isn’t.
Canterbury DHB apologises for any offence caused by the circulation (on social media) of this outdated airport-handout flyer.
Jeanie Watson
Senior Communications Advisor
Canterbury District Health Board
你好,关于wuhan virus传单的报道能否给Brendon Mcintosh我的搭档一点credit。他是毛利药剂师。是通过他的渠道才那么快连线CDHB comm executive director的。他也为我们华人发声做出了贡献。
谢谢您的留言。我们与CDHB有直接的联系并保持着信息的畅通。对于此报道,我们是通过我们的直线与其联系的,没有通过Brendon Mcintosh先生——在您提及此事之前我们并不认识Mcintosh先生。但借此机会,我们非常乐意与您及Mcintosh先生建立联系。再次感谢