华为有30年历史,服务于170多个国家,30亿人口。徐直军说,“我们到底怎么样?我们的客户、合作伙伴、服务的30亿人应该有清晰的认识。 ”
对于美国持续针对华为,徐直军质疑究竟是出于网络安全考虑还是有其他动机,“他们真的在考虑其他国家人民的网络安全、隐私保护还是有其他的企图? ”
徐直军13日以英国为例,“我对华为跟情报机构合作情况不清楚,但是华为跟英国的GCHQ(即英国情报机构‘政府通信总部’)合作我是清楚的。我们跟英国的合作是建设性的合作,不是简单的YES or NO,而是基于各自关心的课题来找到技术上和监督上的解决方案,使得合作能够开展下去。 ”
徐直军介绍,华为最早跟英国政府合作成立华为网络安全评估中心(HCSEC),主要是因为英国政府担心华为产品有后门。“我们把源代码送到HCSEC,让英国有DV认证的英国公民看源代码,以此证明没有后门,看出来的结果也是没有后门。这是最初的目的。 ”
“全世界都知道华为敢于把源代码放到英国的HCSEC,让英国有DV认证的英国公民来看源代码,证明了我们没有后门。”他说:“HCSEC是可以看到华为的源代码的,(代码)是不是可读,是不是易修改、易构建都知道,好比一个人是赤裸在那里。 ”
1、PC Pro 记者:华为如何去把不同的研发活动进行分开?无线通信的基础研究以及面向客户以客户需求为主导的特性开发方面,华为如何进行划分和进行投入上面的平衡?
2、PC Pro 记者:审视周期一般多长?
3、Computer World 记者:5G历史上有没有那么一个灵感突现的时间点?说这是一个有战略性的东西要作为核心战略。比如您刚才提到08年,当时这个技术还不不存在,但是预测未来若干年之后会成为重要的技术或者市场机会?
今天早上恰好看到了FT上发表的原来英国GCHQ的主管Robert Hannigan 写的一篇文章。这篇文章解释了你所有的问题,你可以看一看。GCHQ为了保护整个英国网络安全,服务好英国老百姓,他们采取了一系列的机制进行有效的管理和监督。我也很认同他的副标题,我们应该基于对潜在威胁的清晰理解进行技术判断(Technical judgments should be made on a clear-eyed view of the potential threat),而不是把它简单的政治化。我觉得他比我回答得更好。
徐直军:我对华为跟情报机构合作情况不清楚,但是华为跟英国的GCHQ合作我是清楚的。我们跟英国的合作是建设性的合作,不是简单的YES or NO,而是基于各自关心的课题来找到技术上和监督上的解决方案,使得合作能够开展下去。
两种价值观和文化背景不同的合作,要么YES or NO,很难坐下来建设性地找到解决办法,解决各自关注的问题,促进合作。
我们和英国合作得好的原因之一就是英国的开放和自由贸易精神。英国崇尚用规则、用监管等办法来解决问题,而不是简单的YES or NO。这也是英国之所以成为自由、开放国家的关键之所在。
9、PC Pro 记者:我的问题和“融合”这个词紧密相关,今天上午看了华为企业业务方面,是IP网络的服务平台。大家都在提,做网络的监控,这里面所有的网络流量都在这里,面临了挑战。另外,还有运营商网络,有ATM,还有其他标准。现在政府在这块要求跟企业网络要求一样,但是它所用的工具非常不同的。有没有可能5G数据流量在做传输时遵循企业网络标准做信息的发布。这样的话有没有可能解决现在安全担忧的问题。现在很多人担心前端就是一个单的盒子,所有的东西都在运营商网络去传,企业业务拓展以及华为的布局有没有帮助解决华为在网络基础设施面临的网络安全挑战?
10、PC Pro 记者:您现在提到的是基于空口的无线通信,现在担心的是基础设施层面。
12、 金融时报记者:关于去年的NCSC 2018年的报告,主要的问题是关于华为软件中第三方部件,有人说这样的问题是因为华为的公司文化,华为比欧洲公司更愿意从不同来源得到部件。极端一点说美国起诉书中提到华为之前鼓励员工拿到别的公司技术这个例子,这是一个很极端的例子。你们怎么用计划的20亿美元开发解决第三方部件的问题,您认为第三方部件问题来自于哪里?是公司文化还是怎样的原因?这个时间段怎么解决这个问题?
16、Computer World 记者:互联网的起源也是从军方起来的,包括美国也是。从技术的角度来看,似乎变得更加靠近政治,您觉得这是一个问题吗?如果是的话如何解决?
Huawei Xu Zhijun and British Media Exchange: 5G is not an atomic bomb, can benefit the people
On February 13, 2019, Xu Zhijun, Chairman-in-Office of Huawei, was interviewed by six British media. He frankly and directly communicated with the British media and talked about many hot topics of media concern. The main points and facts are as follows:
Talking about the improvement of software engineering capability: This is not a simple matter, it is valuable for the future development of Huawei Company and the establishment of trustworthiness in the future. (Software Engineering Capability Improvement) is not only to meet the requirements of NCSC, but also Huaweis actions and measures for the future. This is crucial for Huawei to achieve its ambitious vision.
Talking about 5G: 5G is not an atomic bomb, it does not harm people. 5G is for the benefit of all the people and brings value to the people to enjoy a better digital experience.
Talk about US$2 billion: US$2 billion is just a start-up fund. We hope that through three or five yearsefforts, we can truly build products that can make governments trust and customers trust. In this way, Huawei will have better development in the future.
Talk about network security: Technology is technology after all, and it must be done by scientists and engineers. Scientists and engineers still tend to build a common global standard, and we all work together to do a good job of this standard.
Talking about the future: As long as there is a future, it is the greatest victory. Employees are shareholders, you can understand that it is feasible to lower profits now, but not in the future.
Talk about Huawei in the UK: Huaweis cooperation with the British government and British industry has always been a model of Sino-British cooperation.
1. PCPro Reporter: How does Huawei separate different R&D activities? How does Huawei divide and balance its investment in basic research of wireless communication and customer-oriented feature development?
Xu Zhijun: Huawei has built a R&D investment management system that is similar to and different from the industry. The whole R&D process and management system, called IPD, was introduced into IBM in 1998 to consult and build. The whole process and management system includes both future-oriented investment (mainly research and innovation), customer-oriented investment in product development, and how to invest in engineering capability and technology. These three aspects of investment are separated in the annual R&D investment budget, and each investment scope is decided by its own team.
The decision-making body for developing investment budget with customer demand-oriented characteristics is called IRB and IPMT, and the decision-making body for future research and innovation technology is called ITMT. They decide what to do, what not to do and when to do it.
2. PCPro Reporter: How long is the inspection cycle?
Xu Zhijun: Not by month or quarter, but based on the time and stage of each product development process.
Future-oriented research and innovation, including patent-generating investment decision-making institutions called ITMT. Historically, R&D and innovation budgets accounted for 10% of the total R&D budget, which has gradually increased by nearly 20% in recent years and is expected to reach 30% in the future. We have a dedicated team, budget, decision-making mechanism to face the future, which will generate a large number of patents. There are also a large number of teams and corresponding decision-making mechanisms to develop products to meet customer needs.
For example, 5G was directly studied by ITMT decision-making in 2009. At that time, we announced that we would invest $600 million in 5G research in the UK. The 5G research has not been completed yet, but based on the research results, the development of 5G products started three years ago, which is decided by IRB and IPMT.
3. ComputerWorld Reporter: Is there such an inspiration point in 5G history? It is said that this is a strategic thing to be the core strategy. For example, you just mentioned that in 2009, this technology did not exist at that time, but it is predicted that it will become an important technology or market opportunity in the next few years?
Xu Zhijun: Not as great as you said. Mobile communication industry is regular. There must be 3G, 4G and 5G after 2G. After 5G, consider 6G. When 4G products come out, from the research point of view, it must be to study 5G.
5G is not a technology, but a concept, meaning generation. The research of 4G is over. We need to find the next generation technology. 5G is the suitable technology set.
In 2019, the 5G research is basically over, and the research team is thinking about how wireless technology will develop in the future. What technologies will 6G have? To do research and creation. In my opinion, around 2028-2030, 6G will be as busy as 5G now. This is the rule of our industry. Without 5G, there will be no future in this industry.
Every technological upgrading, there will be some enterprises can not keep up with, and some enterprises will do better.
4. Daily Telegraph Reporter: What is your response to Secretary of State Pompeos statement that Chinese technology companies play a role in 5G? Does it mean that China has won the debate when Germany and France say they will not follow the American attitude and exclude Chinese companies?
Xu Zhijun: I cant comment on winning or not. I saw Pompeos speech in Hungary and his speech in Poland, of course, the Chinese version. In my opinion, Mr. Pompeos remarks further show that this is an organized and planned geopolitical action launched by the US government against Huawei, a weak and inferior company like us, using a national machine.
Huawei has a 30-year history, serving more than 170 countries and 3 billion people. What the hell are we doing? Our customers, partners and 3 billion people who serve should have a clear understanding.
Weve been thinking, and youre asking, whether theyve been targeting Huawei in this way because of cyber security concerns or other motives? Are they really considering cyber security, privacy protection or other attempts by people in other countries?
Others say they are looking for bargaining chips for Sino-US trade negotiations. Others say that the large-scale use of Huaweis equipment in these countries has made it difficult for relevant U.S. agencies to obtain information about these countries, or it is inconvenient for them to monitor the relevant institutions and leaders of these countries.
More than 7 billion people around the world are still wise, and we should be able to see all kinds of possibilities.
5. Financial Times Reporter: As you mentioned in your previous interview with German media, you feel that cyber security is partly a political issue and partly an ideological issue. If you think cyber security is a political issue, the U.S. government has its own political purpose. What will be the final result in the next five or ten years? Do you think there will be two separate network worlds and two separate technology systems? On the one hand, it is China and on the other hand, it is the United States.
I cant represent the Financial Times, but I agree with you personally (there should be a unified standard), but it may not be technically feasible.
Xu Zhijun: Network security was originally a technical and professional issue. All scientists and engineers around the world are working hard to solve this problem. Huawei is also working with governments and industry to promote the construction of relevant standards to measure product safety based on standards.
I think we all know where the source of the combination of 5G and network security came from recently. Originally, Nokia, Ericsson, Huawei, Samsung and ZTE were the main suppliers of 5G equipment. There were no American companies. China and Europe have been striving to create a global standard for 5G or future mobile communications, improve the return on investment of the entire industry chain, and reduce the cost of the entire industry chain.
Through the joint efforts of the industry, 5G finally has a unified standard in the world. Everyone makes products according to this standard. But now some politicians are making cyber security, 5G politicization and ideological, which I think is unsustainable.
After all, technology is technology, which must be done by scientists and engineers. Scientists and engineers still tend to build a common global standard, which we all do well together.
Of course, it is also normal in history that different countries have the right to decide which vendors to deploy their networks based on their own considerations. Huawei 4G has not entered all countries, and Huawei 5G does not expect to enter all countries. It can only focus on serving well and willing to choose our country and operators.
For example, Guangzhou Mobile, the city next to Shenzhen, has not chosen our 4G devices, which is normal. Australias market is not as big as Guangzhou Mobile, and New Zealands is not as big as my hometown, Yiyangda. Huawei does not even provide products for Guangzhou Mobile, nor does it matter in a few countries. We cant serve all countries, all customers, and our energy is limited. We cant monopolize the global market. There are no opportunities in the markets around Shenzhen, which is normal for our industry. Focus on serving customers and countries willing to choose Huawei, we will do it better.
6. New politician journalist: Now there are some discussions that the United States will issue an executive order to prohibit the use of Huawei equipment in the United States, and how much impact it will have on the deployment of 5G in China. After all, the United States is a superpower. How worried would Huawei be about this result if it came true?
Xu Zhijun: First of all, Huaweis equipment does not exist in the United States. Historically, our 4G service has served people in remote areas of the United States, helping operators to provide mobile communications services for people in remote rural areas of the United States. (The news you mentioned) I also saw it in the media, but how it turned out didnt have much impact on us. We didnt exist (in the United States) and didnt expect to exist in the future.
7. Journalist of Media Association: At the end of last year, the head of CIA 6, including the British Defense Minister, came out and hinted that he was worried about Huaweis equipment safety. Recently, he saw that the Princes Foundation of Britain had interrupted the acceptance of Huaweis donations. To what extent are Huawei frustrated and disappointed by these developments?
Xu Zhijun: First of all, the British government has been worried about the safety of Huawei equipment, so Huawei and the British government have jointly established a HCSEC to cooperate on security. Through open cooperation to solve the British governments concerns about the use of Huawei equipment in the UK network security.
This morning I happened to see an article written by Robert Hannigan, the former head of GCHQ in Britain, published on FT. This article explains all your problems. You can have a look at it. GCHQ has adopted a series of mechanisms for effective management and supervision in order to protect the whole UK network security and serve the British people well. I also agree with his subtitle that we should base our technical judgment on a clear-eyedview of the potential threat rather than simply politicize it. I think he answers better than I do.
The Prince of England Foundation no longer accepts Huaweis donation. There is no sense of frustration for Huawei. We are making donations based on the greatest respect for the outstanding achievements of the Foundation in helping young people. It has nothing to do with politics. We also regret that their decision was based on one-sided and unfounded information about Huawei and did not communicate with us.
Neither acceptance nor acceptance will have any impact on Huawei, but I still pay tribute to the contributions made by the Foundation to help young people and continue to help them in the future.
8. Computer World Journalist: There is an interesting discovery that Huawei has a good relationship with two of the Five-Eye Countries – Canada and Britain. What is Huaweis relationship with the intelligence agencies of the Five-Eye Countries? I guess since intelligence agencies have the ability to monitor optical communications, they should be able to monitor communications in communication boxes. To what extent does Huawei cooperate with intelligence agencies in Five-Eye countries?
Xu Zhijun: I am not clear about Huaweis cooperation with intelligence agencies, but I am clear about Huaweis cooperation with GCHQ in the UK. Our cooperation with the UK is constructive, not simple YESorNO, but based on our respective concerns to find technical and supervisory solutions to enable cooperation to continue.
Huaweis cooperation with the British government and industry has always been a model of Sino-British cooperation. In the past, exchanges between the Chinese and British governments and private exchanges have taken Huaweis investment, development and cooperation with the British government as an example. Under the circumstances of different values and cultural backgrounds, China and the West can still create a model of constructive and friendly cooperation, which makes Huawei willing to invest and develop continuously in the UK. It also enables UK operators to use Huaweis technology, products and solutions to serve the British people.
The cooperation of two different values and cultural backgrounds, or YESorNO, is difficult to sit down and constructively find solutions to their respective concerns and promote cooperation.
One of the reasons for our good cooperation with Britain is its spirit of openness and free trade. Britain advocates rules and regulations to solve problems, rather than simple YESorNO. This is also the key to Britains becoming a free and open country.
9. PCPro Reporter: My problem is closely related to the word convergence. This morning I saw Huaweis business, which is the service platform of IP network. Everyone is talking about monitoring the network, where all the network traffic is here, facing challenges. In addition, there are operator networks, ATM, and other standards. Now the government has the same requirements as the enterprise network, but the tools it uses are very different. Is it possible for 5G data traffic to publish information in accordance with enterprise network standards when doing transmission? Is it possible to solve the current security concerns? Nowadays, many people worry that the front end is a single box. Everything is transmitted through the operators network. Does business expansion and Huaweis layout help to solve the network security challenges Huawei faces in its network infrastructure?
Xu Zhijun: If all the network security challenges are technical problems, they can be solved by technology and supervision in essence. As we all know, network security is now a common global challenge. Therefore, 5G pays special attention to safety-related issues in the process of selecting technology and formulating standards. 5G is safer than 2G, 3G and 4G in terms of technology and construction standards, which you can check with 3GPP and GSMA experts.
Moreover, the key information transmitted by 5G can be encrypted by 256 bits, which means that the quantum computer that has not yet come out can be used to decrypt.
10. PCPro Reporter: What you are talking about now is wireless communication based on air port. What you are worried about now is the infrastructure level.
Xu Zhijun: 5G is mobile phone to base station, base station is the network, Huawei only provides base station equipment in the UK network. The network above the base station is not directly related to Huawei.
Roberts article also specifically says that Huawei, the core part of the network, has not entered.
It has nothing to do with Huawei above the base station. Its all equipment from other manufacturers.
11. Financial Times Reporter: The explanation just now is that Huawei only provides base stations. From the users ports to the base stations, it is a process of encryption. After the base stations, the data is decrypted into the IP network.
Xu Zhijun: Decryption is the business of operators or the government, and encryption is also the business of operators or the government.
Financial Times: Encryption through your devices?
Xu Zhijun: We cant master the key. Wouldnt it be a great success to master the global key? Each country has its own key.
12. Financial Times Reporter: About last years NCSC 2018 report, the main question is about third-party components in Huawei software. Some people say that this problem is because Huaweis corporate culture, Huawei is more willing to get components from different sources than European companies. At the extreme, the U.S. indictment mentions Huaweis previous example of encouraging employees to acquire technology from other companies, which is a very extreme example. How do you use the planned $2 billion development to solve the third-party component problem? Where do you think the third-party component problem comes from? Is it corporate culture or what? How to solve this problem in this period of time?
Xu Zhijun: First of all, your understanding is wrong. The third-party software you mentioned is mainly the operating system of American Wind River Company called VxWorks. We thought that the British government believed most in using the operating system of American company, but later found that it was not.
Any product, whether hardware or software, will be developed based on an operating system, just as all software vendors develop on windows and Linux. We also need to develop base station software based on an operating system. VxWorks is the base station of Huawei which runs on the Internet in the UK. Of course, there are also third-party software and open source software. It is mentioned in the report that there are improvements in the management of all third-party software, rather than the inability to use (third-party software), (if not), it is impossible for every company to make all the software, each company has to make a windows, each family has to make a Linux, and each family has to make Oracle-like databases.
We later found Fenghe, and they told us that the software and the versions in use by Huawei were widely used in all walks of life in the UK, even in some industries more sensitive than the telecommunications industry. Huawei uses other companiesoperating systems, databases and open source software in its software development process, which has nothing to do with Huawei culture. This is an inevitable choice for all companies that make products, because it is impossible for them to do everything.
Now you have a question, why does it take Huawei three to five years to improve its software engineering capability, and why does it invest more than $2 billion?
It will take a long time to explain this problem. I wonder if you would like to listen to it.
Huawei first cooperated with the British government to establish HCSEC, mainly because the British government feared that Huawei products had a back door. We sent the source code to HCSEC and let British citizens with DV certification look at the source code to prove that there is no back door and the result is no back door. This is the original purpose.
The whole world knows that Huawei dares to put the source code into the UK HCSEC and let British citizens with DV certification see the source code, which proves that we have no back door. Robert also said in his article that GCHQ is clear, so the back door problem that other countries are worried about now has already been solved in Britain. When we decided to bring the source code to the UK, the back door problem was solved.
After solving this problem, HCSEC should look at Huaweis ability to prevent attacks, penetration and threats. We have worked for eight years to enhance the anti-attack and anti-penetration capabilities of Huawei products. After eight years of hard work, it can be said that China is the strongest product in this industry, and it is not what we call it. It is an American company. Cigital made the conclusion through evaluation and investigation.
Cigital is a professional software security engineering maturity assessment company in the United States. Since 2013, we have evaluated the safety management of our products every year. There are 12 evaluation projects. Nine of them have reached the highest level in the industry, and the other three are higher than the average level in the industry.
But it is clear to all that the environment of security threats is changing, the technology of attack penetration is improving, and the level of hacker ability is getting higher and higher. Single security capability, anti-attack, anti-penetration capability is very strong, just like a coconut, the shell is very hard. What happens if the shell breaks? You cant have a pile of water inside like a coconut.
So our common focus shifted from the outside to the inside. How does it involve resilience, whether the development process is of high quality, and whether it is credible? From the perspective of results to the perspective of process, the results are good, and the process is also good.
HCSEC can see the source code of Huawei. (Code) Is it readable, easy to modify, easy to build, as if a person is naked there?
Now the problem with CESC is that your code is not beautiful enough. Code is the 30s code accumulated by Huawei in the telecommunication industry like Windows. Huaweis code should be improved in the aspects of not beautiful, easy to read, easy to modify, and process improvement. Not only is the result high-quality and credible, but also the process is credible to prove credible. This focuses on the entire software production process, which we call software engineering and practice, and uses future-oriented standards to correspond to all the code in history for 30 years.
The security risks faced in the past, the software technologies used, and the programming capabilities are different from those of today, and certainly more different from the requirements of the future. Refactoring and rewriting all the code in the past 30 years. This investment is enormous, and has an impact on Huaweis current product schedule to meet customer needs.
In this matter, we have had quite a period of intense conflict with NCSC, (Huawei) is only willing to meet the requirements of the new code, rather than reconstructing the historical code. Almost all senior executives have collided, but in the process of collision, they constantly deepen their understanding, reconstruct or improve the quality of the process. This is not a simple matter. It is valuable for Huaweis future development and the real establishment of credibility in the future.
The future world is a cloud, intelligent, software defines everything. The key is software. Software must be trusted by relevant government agencies and customers. Trust requires both credible results and credible processes, as well as quality of results and process. This is crucial for Huawei to achieve its ambitious vision.
So I went to NCSC twice personally and communicated with them, and found that they could not collide with each other any more. This is not only to meet the requirements of NCSC, but also the actions and measures Huawei company must take in the future. So I came back to convince the relevant leaders to make the decision of the board of directors to make software engineering capability improvement changes.
13. Financial Times Reporter: When is it?
Xu Zhijun: At the end of last year. After the board of directors passed the fierce debate, the decision-making should start to thoroughly improve software engineering capabilities, the goal is to create credible products. Change takes three to five years to radically change the entire software production process according to our future-oriented standards and requirements, while refactoring all the code in history to future standards.
To meet customer needs and restructure, new investments are needed to generate $2 billion in foreign investment, which is mainly for the cost of restructuring historical codes and training all engineers and other related changes. Unfortunately, I have become the responsible person for the change, which will make me have a lot of work to do in the next five years. Recently, I have spent a lot of time doing things related to change.
Two billion dollars is just starting up capital, which is certainly not enough. We hope that through three or five yearsefforts, we can truly build products that can make governments trust and customers trust. In this way, Huawei will have better development in the future. To this end, our founder sent a letter to all employees in the first email of the New Year – to comprehensively improve the ability and practice of software engineering, to build credible high-quality products.
What is process quality? Take a simple example. You may think Chinese food is delicious, but few people should have seen it in the kitchen. Many people dont know what kind of action, process and thing the cook uses to fry the dish.
Now we need to go into the kitchen and set up a set of process, standards and behavioral norms for cooks to stir-fry vegetables. If the chef doesnt follow this action, the dishes may be a little unpleasant, and corrected to be delicious. This is what we do to improve software capabilities, to achieve high quality and credibility of the entire software production process, as well as the generated code.
Its challenging, but its something we have to do. So why three to five years? Why is $2 billion just a start-up fund?
In fact, we still dont know how much were going to spend in the future.
Of course, Huawei has an advantage. We are not listed companies. Its okay to make less money now. As long as there is a future, it is the greatest victory. Employees are shareholders, you can understand that it is feasible to lower profits now, but not in the future.
14. New politician reporter: Can you give a rough estimate of the possible cost of refactoring the entire code?
Xu Zhijun: We are doing high-level design, which has not been estimated yet. Estimate it and tell you that we hope to finish the high-level plan by the end of March.
I would like to emphasize that the problems just mentioned are not unique to Huawei, but the companies in the industry as a whole. Improvements may vary in different areas, but none of them are perfect. And its a dynamic change. (If) any company sends its code to the UK for citizens with DV certificates to see, (they) will also find many problems.
15. Daily Telegraph Reporter: I just mentioned the cost of change. I would like to ask what role HCSEC will play in verification supervision and what is the timeline for the restructuring of these codes in the whole process of change.
Xu Zhijun: All reconstructed code, as long as it is used on the British Internet (code), will be reviewed by HCSEC. The results of NCSC are known. All were talking about now is expectation, and ultimately its up to the results to verify how well were doing.
Huawei set up HCSEC in the UK to find problems, that is, to find problems and promote our progress. Its not just about looking for the back door, because the back door doesnt exist. In 2018, Huawei invested 6 million euros in HHCSEC to find problems for Huawei, which is of value. From my point of view, it is also a promotion and a verification for all R&D teams.
16. ComputerWorld Reporter: The origin of the Internet is also from the military, including the United States. From a technical point of view, it seems to be getting closer to politics. Do you think this is a problem? If so, how to solve it?
Xu Zhijun: Technology has always been combined with politics. What is politics? If you want to politicize it, politicize it. If you want to politicize it, you will not politicize it. How can this be solved?
Humanity has gone through this process, and there are many wise people in every country. Technological progress is beneficial to mankind, especially 5G, 5G is not an atomic bomb, does not harm people, 5G is beneficial to all the people, for the people to enjoy a better digital experience to bring value.
With regard to privacy protection, the EU has introduced GDP R. Now Britain has not yet left Europe, and is abiding by it. After leaving Europe, Britain will also have its own standards. As long as it does according to this standard, it can protect the privacy of the British people and the European people.
Any enterprise will be heavily punished if it violates GDP R. We appreciate the standard of GDP R, because it is open, transparent and non-discriminatory. Everyone should abide by it. If they do not abide by it, they will be punished.
From a technical and professional point of view, network security could have set standards. Once there are standards, they are open, transparent and non-discriminatory. Everyone abides by this standard, and if they do not abide by this standard, they will be punished.
But from an ideological and political point of view, its based on doubts and assumptions that you can or cant. Then (as I say now): youre going to kill somebody. You may kill someday before you go to see God.
This is how Huawei is treated now.
17. Financial Times Reporter: As you said before, the 5G market is the most important in Asia, while the 5G market in Europe is not yet mature. Can you quantify this forecast? What percentage of Asian countries represent the 5G market in recent years?
Xu Zhijun: I divide the global market into three categories:
Firstly, the market with large demand for 5G is China, Japan, Korea and Gulf countries.
Second, some developed countries in Europe and the United States, including the United States. At present, the demand for 5G is not so strong, and 4G is not very good. Do you know what is the result of comparing the number of base stations in France with that in Shenzhen? All of Frances 4G base stations add up to less than Shenzhen Mobile.
Third, developing countries have no demand at all.
Over the next few years, Huaweis 5G revenue will mainly come from the first market, with a small amount coming from the second market.
Source: Xinsheng Community Responsible Editor: Wang Fengzhi_NT2541