How to Cook Udon Noodle withIn 10 mins
乌冬面 Udon Noodle x 1
昆布汤底 Kumbu Soup Concentrate 1/4cup
开水 Hot Water 1 &1/4 cup
葱花 Chopped Spring Onion 1 Tsb
海苔 Seaweed 1 Tsb
NOTE: #图中的这种乌冬面块最好吃,非常顺滑劲道有弹性。超市里常见的那种口感太糯了。不建议用。
#Frozen Udon Noodle & Kumbu Soup Concentrate Can buy from Japan Mart @ Westfiled Mall.
1》拿面碗一个,将1/4杯昆布汤底放入碗中,然后冲进开水 1 & 1/4杯。搅拌均匀。
Put 1/4 cup Kumbu Soup Concentrate, into a Noodle Bowl, Then put 1 & 1/4 cup Boiling hot water. Stir it well.
Put water in the pot and let it boil. Once Boiled put noodle in and cook for 5 minutes until boil again. Immediately take out the noodle into the prepared soup bowl. Place the chopped spring onion and the seaweed can be served.